(727) 804-2291                                      SnorkelTarponSprings.com

 Call (727) 804-2291

Dream Catcher Explorations
Private Snorkel Tours

"A journey good for the soul"

Dream Catcher Explorations 
Snorkel, safety gear, soft drinks & bottle water
Not included:
Beach towels, snacks, adult beverage  
Customer may bring these items
(727) 804-2291

Tarpon Springs
Muni. Marina
100 Dodecanese Blvd
Tarpon Springs Fl 3469

3.85 % surcharge

or Phone
(727) 804-2291

Website Design by Captain Mike 2019 at Homestead.com

 The islands that comprise Anclote Key Preserve State Park are some of the most minimally developed islands bordering the Gulf of Mexico. They are considered globally significant for shorebird nesting and resting. Visitors from all over the world come to the islands to enjoy this pristine environment. 
   Dream Catcher Explorations strives to operate in the most environmentally sensitive manner possible. The health of the environment and natural resources goes hand in hand with the success of our business. Our customers visit Anclote Key Preserve State Park to enjoy the islands natural beauty.

      The tour starts with a ride along Anclote River out to the Gulf of Mexico to a remote little island know as III Rooker Bar.   Along the way we’ll see all kinds of marine life and the different habitats they live in.    The Atlantic Bottle-nose Dolphin is most commonly encountered of all.  They sometimes swim along side the boat, almost close enough to touch.
     Once we disembark on to III Rooker Bar Wildlife Preserve we get to go snorkeling wright off the Island.  Off the Gulf side of the island you’ll encounter spider crabs, schools of minnow, maybe some stingrays, and at the right time of year, manatee have been encountered in as little as 4 feet of water.  On the inter-coastal side you’ll snorkel over the sea grass where you’ll see some sea scallop, stone crab, live conk and many other interesting fish.    
     If you like to collect seashells you’ll be in heaven.  There are tones of shells, coral, sand dollars, and sea sponges to collect.  Shelling mesh bags are available for your use and the sky’s the limit.  The rule is,” No Live Shelling” everything else is up for grabs.  Refreshments are included along with the fresh air, sunshine, and an adventure you'll never forget.